Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Sister Wedding - Post 3

Hi and happy Sunday to all! This is post number 3 for the wedding and after this I will proceed with the garden wedding's pictures. In this post, I want to share the "hantaran" by my sister side to her husband side. I kinda suck at taking object pictures. That's why I more to potraiture than object photography but I want to learn the art of photography in taking object pictures. Enjoy!

This "hantaran" was made by my aunty herself. Look nice right? Ok. Nothing to say much here so I'm better off now. Wait for my next post; Garden Party!

"I need to learn more about photography."


Mohd Ridhwan bin Abdul Rahim said...

yeahh, dh molah wedding fotografi bh nya.blh tahan pok gamba2 ya. try nangga2 jwk website kedak or k dpt idea gney nk shoot. :D

Ahmad Zakwan said...

haha. makseh pok. xdalaa. aku coba2 jak ya, kkya ngga2 org gmba time ya. ya ng ambk wedding kaa? :)